People Commitments

We believe that the only way to help our people achieve their highest potential is to create an ecosystem of support, recognition, and values. To do this, we established 10 ambitious commitments to all our people.

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We believe career development is essential to your personal & professional growth. So we create bespoke Career Development Plans to map your career journey with us, creating visibility to help you reach your goals in 3-year increments. This is about plotting your growth goals, measures of success, timelines & career progression as part of a shared ambition & plan with your line manager.




We believe in a high-performance culture, so we want you to be clear on what we believe will make you brilliant. That’s why we create structured, clear & consistent Performance Plans centred around KPI’s. These KPI’s are uniquely tailored to you with clear objectives, clear focus areas and clear measures of success that can be transparently discussed with your line manager at any given time.




We believe in helping senior managers be the best they can be by training them to be effective & empathetic leaders. We run a tailor-made, senior executive management program with masterclasses, development modules, guest lectures and coaching sessions as part of an annual Academy across the Group for senior managers.




We believe in balance when it comes to work/home life. That’s why we give everyone a minimum of 25 days annual leave. This allocation includes a fixed & extended annual  December shutdown that we all take together. This can be used to rest, re-charge, for any religious, compassionate or family responsibilities and needs to be used within an 18-month annual cycle. This is in addition to a month paid sabbatical, after 10 years of employment with the agency. Then there is still 30 days sick leave allocation, over a 3 year period, to use if you are ill and need proper rest and recuperation to get back to your personal best.


Modern Parenting


We believe that family comes first and we want you to prioritise that precious time. That’s why we give 4 months of fully paid maternity/paternity leave if you are the primary care giver. A primary care giver is completely gender neutral to work within your family needs & ensure you are not burdened financially. Returning primary care givers enjoys a shortened work-day in the first month back. They are also paired with a working parent who they can lean on for support & advice as they find their feet again.




We believe in holistic health for you at work. For Mental Health you have automatic access to Discovery’s Healthy Company Programme. Included in this program are 8 one-on-one sessions (per presenting issue) with psychologists & trained mental health professionals when needed. For Physical Health we have an array of initiatives like Yoga on the Roof, Run Club, Football Squad to keep you fit, positive & confident.




We believe that medical aid is a non-negotiable when it comes to you & your families health. We offer membership to the country’s leading medical aid provider, Discovery. Their offerings and options are world class & most importantly will provide peace of mind if anything ever happens to you (or your family) in an emergency. Additionally, being a member of Vitality also brings enormous rewards, benefits & synergies combined with your Discovery Life cover.




We believe that planning properly for tomorrow is essential for your peace of mind. That is why you have a Group Retirement Annuity, which is managed by Sanlam for when you retire. You also have Life Cover that if you were to pass away, pays out at 3 times your annual salary, includes a 75% salary disability benefit. If you have Discovery Vitality it includes a mortgage protector benefit  & covers your children’s education (including university) if you pass away. You also have access to a financial advisory service with a company called Client Care who construct a unique wealth & financial plan for you for peace of mind.


Do good


We believe you get by what you give. We are fully supportive of helping those less privileged than ourselves during company time. You can volunteer for various initiatives with our partners Baphumelele, Bethany House and Street Store to make a difference and give back to society.


Work from anywhere


We believe you should be able to do your best work from anywhere. This ‘work from anywhere’ policy is focused on output vs input. In the pursuit of continually trying different models to see what works best we have chosen Friday as our company WFH day. We also partner with M&C Saatchi Global to offer everyone the opportunity to work from anywhere locally or globally for a 2-week period.